act_runner (Action)
Download runner
Binary: Docker image:
Acquire Token
Version 1.19.* get toket at: <your-domain>/admin/runners
Version 1.21.* get toket at: <your-domain>/user/settings/actions/runners
./act_runner register
if you want to run the action directly on your hardware, without docker in between, set host as the runner label.
After succedfull registration, you can run the act_runner using the following command.
./act_runner daemon
To start the runner after every reboot, edit your crontab accordingly. Make sure to change in the directory where your config is located and start the runner from there…
@reboot (cd /your/directory/ && /your/directory/act_runner-0.2.10-linux-amd64 daemon)
Clone Git-Repo with Access Token
Create Token for accesing the registry under https://<your-gitea-instance>/user/settings/applications
Be sure to allow Read/Write Access to the repository and package.
To check all tokens with their scope run the following command.
git clone https://<user>:<key><user>/<project>.git
this should return something similar to the following
"id": <your-id>,
"name": "<your-name>",
"sha1": "",
"token_last_eight": "<part-of-your-token>",
"scopes": [
Get tag of current commit
git describe --tags --always | sed 's/^v//'
Use Gitea Registry
curl -X GET -u <user>:<password> https://<your-gitea-instance>/api/v1/users/<user>/tokens | jq
Show remote URL of repository
git remote -v
Set (remote) URL of repository
git remote set-url origin new.git.url/here
The Perfect Commit
git add -p <filename> # To add files on the patch level (add only parts of the changes of one file)
This lets you choose one path out of a status like selection. After choosing the path, it presents the diff between the index and the working tree file and asks you if you want to stage the change of each hunk. You can select one of the following options and type return:
y - stage this hunk n - do not stage this hunk q - quit; do not stage this hunk nor any of the remaining ones a - stage this hunk and all later hunks in the file d - do not stage this hunk nor any of the later hunks in the file g - select a hunk to go to / - search for a hunk matching the given regex j - leave this hunk undecided, see next undecided hunk J - leave this hunk undecided, see next hunk k - leave this hunk undecided, see previous undecided hunk K - leave this hunk undecided, see previous hunk s - split the current hunk into smaller hunks e - manually edit the current hunk ? - print help
Remove files from git, which are in .gitignore but have been added previously
Selected files
git rm --cached file1 file2 dir/file3
All files from .gitignore
git rm --cached `git ls-files -i -c --exclude-from=.gitignore`
Reset to last Commit
Single file
git checkout <fileName>
Whole Project
git reset --hard <hash>
Uncommit without removing changes
git reset --soft HEAD^
Set file acces flags to already commited file
To set the flag, use following command: .. code-block:: bash
git update-index –chmod=+x path/to/file
To remove it, use:
git update-index --chmod=-x path/to/file
Find largest files in git repo
git ls-tree -r -t -l --full-name HEAD | sort -n -k 4 | tail -n 10
Clone with depth
git clone --depth 1