Make Model Manifold
Under “Clean Up” → Make Manifold
Edit → Preferences
System → Undo Steps (Aim as high as possible, without slowing down your system).
Scene Propperties (Right site bottom selectors) change Units to Millimieter (0.001 and set Length to Millimeters) On viewport overlays (top right) change scale to 0.001
Edit → Preferences → Add-ons
Bool Tool
3D-Print Toolbox
PDT (Precision Drawing Tools)
Moving (looking around)
Pivot: Middle Mouse
Pan: Shift + Middle Mouse Button
Go (back to) the scene: Select the item you want to go to and click Numpad Periode key (.); Or use Shift + C
Edit → Preferences → Navigation → Fly & Walk (select what you want). Activate with Shift + ´ (Accent)
Create a 2D Shape
X: Delete (select what you want to delete in the menu that pops up)
Shift + A: Create a Vert
E: Extrude from selected Vertex
X / Y / Z for Direction
Type number of millimeters to move and press Enter
F: Fill Space between selected Vertexes
Ctrl: Snap Vertex to Grid
Move Vertices
Select Move (left hand side) or press G
Press the dimension you want to move (X / Y / Z)
Enter a number (with leading minus) how much you want the Vertice to move
Rotate (R) Scale (S)
Copy Vertices
Select what you want to copy and press Shift + D
Make hole in Object
Select vertices, right click → seperate (P) → choose how you want to seperate (probably by selection)
Select the Object you want to subtract followed by the Object you want to be “cut into” (while holding down shift)
- Ctrl + Shift + B (select which bool operation to use)
Or press Ctrl + Shift + Numpad - to choose difference
Round Corners of Plane
Select vertex or vertices and press Ctrl + Shift + B. With the Mouse-Wheel you can in/decrease the number of vertices to build the roundness.
Fix 3D for Printing
Bad Contiguos Edges
In Edit mode, I pressed A to select all, then Mesh → Normals → Recalculate Inside. This fixed it for me as my problematic edges were inside a cylinder recess in my object.
Zero Faces
Mesh → Cleanup → Degenerate Dissolve
Make mesh only use triangles
Select all Vertices → Ctrl + T
Usefull Informations
View Exact Coordinates of Vertex: Item (Right hand side) → Transform
Show Length of edges: Overlays (right top) → Edge Length
Cleanup Vertices: Right klick → merge verticates → by distance
Round edges: PDT → PDT Design Tools
Move to exact position: PDT → PDT Design Operations
Bezl (Round Corners): Ctrl + B
Hide everything unselected: Toggle Shift + H (Alt + H; for reverse)