
Special Characters (German Keyboard layout)

Pipe (|)

Option () + 7

Backslash ()

Option () + Shift + 7

Tilde (~)

Option () + n

Curly Brackets ({})

Option + 8 for {

Option + 9 for }

Open/Connect Networkdrive

Open finder → Go to (in upper bar) → Enter Networkdrive Finder öffnen → Gehe zu (in oberer Leiste) → Netzlaufwerk eingeben

Boot from another Volume

While booting hold down Command () or Alt

Boot into Shell

While booting hold down Windows + S

Boot into Recovery

While booting hold down Windows + R


Audio läuft nicht in Mischrechner…

ProTools → Engine → Sound/Mix-Engine


Mark selected messages as read Command () and T


To make the terminal more user friendly edit ~/.bash_profile

export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=GxFxCxDxBxegedabagaced

alias ll='ls --color=auto -alF'

After saving this, ever newly opened terminal will take those settings into account.